Saturday 13 April 2013



“The living sinners on deadly ground.” ― Toba Beta

It is absolutely heart breaking and frustrating to witness this constant disregard for the environment in Port-of-Spain. Polluters range from children to the elderly and it makes me wonder what has the environment done to them that was so bad that they have to treat it this way. Its saddening because we live in a society where the environment is of least importance and we fail to recognize that the environment can live without us however we can not live without it. These pictures were taken on different streets in Port-of-Spain and as citizen I can not understand how it is the same city that we created we are destroying. 
Land pollution is a serious threat as toxic and greenhouse gases are emitted from it. Additionally odorous gases are also emitted and the city smells stink. Everyone knows this, Port-of-Spain is known to smell nasty and we create that scent yet still every time we enter the city we complain. Something is horribly wrong there. As Port-of-Spain is the capital city of Trinidad and undergoing intense urbanization it is expected that this would occur as with urbanization, by concentrating so many people in a concrete jungle where little aesthetic value is portrayed then solid waste would also be concentrated.

Although formerly the presence of bins in Port-of-Spain was scarce so people saw it fit to drop their litter any and everywhere it is still our city and we must treat it like that so we should have taken the incentive to clean the city ourselves if the government would not provide trash bins for us.However currently there are bins located all over Port-of-Spain some specifically for plastic and paper and other general bins and we still feel the need to litter. Our garage pick up system is also at fault here as it is not always running efficiently leaving a build up of waste for days. 

This build up of waste as well as when people throw their trash on the ground most of it ends up in our drains. Port-of-Spain being a flood plain and most of it being reclaimed land a clogged drain is a serious problem when it comes to heavy rainfall . As we have seen previously the city floods quickly with any long duration of heavy rainfall and the litter in the drains speeds up the flooding process.

Measures have been put in place to deal with this culture of littering that exists in Trinidad. Firstly the implementation of litter wardens whose job is to uphold the litter act and enforce the law. They can be identified on patrol by their environmentally friendly colours- an olive green pants/skirt, light green tops,green caps and black shoes. If found littering a fine of $500 must be within a 21 day period or the offenders are summoned to court where they are ordered to pay a fine of $1000. For corporate offenders the fine is $2000.

As of 2006 11 litter wardens were on patrol in Port-of-Spain and throughout the day they dealt with pedestrians,  vendors and business people, warned them to be careful of where and how they dump rubbish.  The wardens were regularly on the beat, many of the street vendors that  operated on George, Prince, Charlotte and Park Streets cleaned up their acts and started placing their garbage in boxes and bags instead of carelessly tossing them out on the streets.

It is our responsibility to keep our city clean no one else own because it belongs to each and everyone of us. This culture we as Trini's have for littering needs to end promptly because our environment is our home and we all want to live in a clean home. I do not think litter wardens still exists today however we should all act as  litter wardens for one another and our consciences should act as little wardens for ourselves and keep our city clean.

Extra Reading


  1. Oh my gosh! It disgusts me the culture some of us Trinidadians have with littering.People complain about the floods yet they littler the streets and drains. I guess we are more irritated by such acts because as students of geography and environmental studies we are more aware of the consequences. In that case I think environmental pollution should be taught at primary schools. Imagine we actually need to have litter wardens to make sure one doesn't drop their rubbish on the floor. smh!

  2. Can you include some articles on why people litter and why this is so strongly correlated with the urban?

    Nice pics.
