Tuesday 16 April 2013



“What strange phenomena we find in a great city, all we need do is stroll about with our eyes open. Life swarms with innocent monsters.” 
― Charles Baudelaire

My blog focused on the negative effects of urbanization  I touched on overcrowding, traffic congestion, loss of culture, disparities in development, poverty, environmental degradation, urban sprawl, pollution/litter and unemployment. These are just a few of the issues associated with the vast development of cities. All these issues have serious effects on the functioning of urban spaces and the relationship between urban spaces and people. 

 By Tammy was very interesting as it highlighted major disparities of development among various cities in Trinidad. She took a more holistic view where as I simple focused on the disparities in development within Port-of-Spain. I especially liked the post on Tabaquite because it was the most educational for me as I know nothing about that area.

By Jainey. I loved this blog the pictures and the concepts discussed was very captivating.The entry on culture and urban living space best relates to my blog however my favorite blog was urban politics  Not much people know and understand the history of the university of Woodford Square so it was great to see you incorporate that in your blog. With respect to culture the clothing in the picture relates to my blog on loss of culture through globalization.

By Alyssa. This blog incorporated some of the negative effects of urbanisation similar to my blog however its purpose was to show how culture shapes urban spaces. I especially liked the post on acceptance of vagrants. That post shows exactly what I was talking about in terms of the mindsets people have towards the homeless in Trinidad.

environmental degradation


God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools.-John Muir

For my last entry I would touch on environmental degradation. With urbanization it is clear that the environment has to suffer in order to facilitate this development. This picture shows a variety of different activities taking place that each depletes the environment in some form or fashion. Two of the pictures show construction, one shows the government buildings on the water front, the other shows garbage on the street and the big picture in the middle represents the Golf of Paria at Sea Lots.
With respect to development looking at the parliament buildings by the water front we must understand that the land there was once swamp. Therefore an ecosystem was destroyed killing many species that once resided there to facilitate this development  As with most of the western side of Port-of-Spain it is reclaimed land. Additionally these buildings because they are so tall must go deep into the ground. This distorts the water table making it rise therefore increasing the risk of flooding in the city.
Additionally there are no building laws with respect to replanting when constructing new buildings. Therefore the city just becomes a concrete jungle and the environment is depleted. This lack of greenery in the city results in warmer temperatures and fewer rainfall events.
 The construction pictures show no coverage of the construction site therefore dust particles enter the air having effects on the environment and on human health. The litter picture just shows the attitude Trinis have towards the environment- complete disregard. Lastly if any one passes by Sea Lots and looks at the water its is absolutely disgusting. It is almost black in color, engulfed with debris from the nearby residents as well as their sewage. 
Another environmental problem is traffic congestion, this results in emissions of greenhouse gases in high concentrations into the environment and because there is limited plants there is no carbon sink to absorb these gases there they remain in the air and add to global warming. 
To combat this issue leaders are leaning towards the establishment of sustainable cities. The question with sustainable cities is how feasible is this for developing countries? You can not tell a poor man about saving the environment if he has no food on the table to feed his family, or tell someone who has no access to water or education to save the environment. Social issues take rank and until that is fixed then conservation, sustainability and the environment are the bottom of the list in terms of priority.

I don't think we're going to save anything if we go around talking about saving plants and animals only; we've got to translate that into what's in it for us.-Jim Fowler
You will die but the carbon will not; its career does not end with you. It will return to the soil, and there a plant may take it up again in time, sending it once more on a cycle of plant and animal life.-Jacob Bronowski

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jacobbrono116984.html#tjayH5bKQxCwE1yt.99 

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jimfowler254348.html#vvOxLOB1vU1xbKpG.99 

Extra Reading



Poverty is hell and the angels are in paradise
Driving in their limousine where everything is nice and clean 
A poor man living in a teeny-weeny hut
The children hungry,nothing in the pot
He gone by the neighbour to beg for some rice
The neighbour under pressure,"boy things ent nice"
He gone in the big shot area to beg 
A police put a bullet in his teeny weeny leg
He gone in the courts and he lost the case
The prosecutor say he have a bandit face

POVERTY IS HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the lyrics to Shadows song Poverty is hell and it seemed the most appropriate for the picture above. This picture represents poverty within Port-of-Spain as it shows one of the poorest communities in the city-Sea Lots. It is located in southeastern Port-of- Spain. As seen in the picture people are literally living in huts made of either stolen material or frontage this is because they are mainly squatters. The picture is in black and white as it represents the lives of the people living there, dark, gloomy and hopeless.     

There lives are a constant battle as they fight up with issues such as unemployment,little or no access to clean water, food.electricity, housing or clothing, violent and unhealthy environments, little or no social protection and limited educational opportunities. Furthermore these residents are extremely vulnerable to environmental disasters as they are located right by the see and the materials and houses are not stable to prevent destruction of houses by flooding for example or an earthquake.It is heartbreaking that the rest of society does not recognize that these people suffering and are in dying need of our help. Instead of standing up with them and helping them fight for their rights we turn our backs and look down on them, we see them as lesser than ourselves, or lazy, incompetent government dependent citizens that refuse to work hard to earn a dollar.

Sealots, Laventille and Beetham are known for having poor Afro-Trinidadians that are 'ghetto" and criminal in nature. Most of the population is afraid to venture into those areas because of the perceived crime that has been blown out of proportion by the media creating a fear among citizens. It is absolutely ridiculous, I personally know many citizens living in one of those areas that do not conform to the perception however if after a while of continuously telling someone thing then they become it. I think that is the case with these areas they are constantly told that they are poor and lesser in society so therefore they become that although, there are a few that strive to change the attitudes of people and prove them wrong. Unfortunately the majority fall into the trap. Crime in these areas are due to the lack of employment opportunities and they too have families to feed and take of so income must come from somewhere and if obtaining a legitimate job is impossible then in their minds that is the best solution.  

Again I think it is best to not discriminate and brainwash the nation with all these negatives because these people are people nonetheless and we are all equal. They are just victims of uneven distribution of wealth, mental slavery,negative influences and no role models. 

crime doesn't follow poverty, it follows concentrations of poverty-Reuben Greenberg


Disparities in Development


There are fashions in building. Behind the fashions lie economic and technological reasons, and these fashions exclude all but a few genuinely different possibilities in city dwelling construction at any one time.” ― Jane Jacobs

   Is this the same city? What is happening? It is obvious that with urbanization comes disparities in development. The upper hand of the picture is eastern Port-of-Spain where as the bottom is the western side. It is very clear that architecture, design, building materials and functioning of the buildings has changed drastically. The eastern side of Port-of-Spain being the older was formed originally from the existence of the port. The building materials were mostly old wood, galvanize and concrete. Additionally we can see  a human in the East Dry River residing there which a clear sign of  poverty. With development of cities there is always disparities in  the distribution of wealth and certain areas are discriminated against and excluded from the developmental phase which can be seen with Port-of-Spain.
  What brings about the spatial developmental disparities within the city? This question can be addressed by drawing on the
economic geographer’s distinction between first nature and second nature geography. First nature says that some regions are favored by virtue of endowments or proximity to rivers, coasts, ports and borders. Second nature emphasizes the interactions between economic agents, and in particular the increasing returns to scale that can be created by dense interactions. Thus, cities tend to have
high productivity.

  First nature addresses the issue of the existence of Port-of-Spain however as urbanization continued the eastern side of the city was neglected and urban decay started taking place. This refers to an area within the city that falls into a state of disrepair and neglect. It is characterized by depopulation, economic restructuring,property abandonment, high unemployment,fragmented families,political disenfranchisement, crime and desolate urban landscapes. That is represented by the communities and economic activities that take place on that side of Port-of-Spain. Mainly the lower classes in society reside on Duke Street or George Street by the Plannings and the residents there are mainly Afro-Trinibagonians with mediocre jobs obtaining minimal wage if employed. Illegal street vending/ small parlours or selling market produce is the main form of economic activity on that side of the city.

  In comparison to the western side and even the upper areas of the city it is remarkably different. The buildings by the waterfront for example are high raised buildings made of glass with greenery and a more modern design. Globalization has infiltrated those areas with many foreign companies as well as the change in economic activity its no longer agricultural produce being sold or illegal street vending, its dominated by services and government buildings.  

I choose to show One Woodbrook place and it represents the future and the direction officials are taken with respect to the city. One Woodbrook place is a mega complex of different activities interacting with each other. It is a housing complex that consists of all needs (social, economic and industrial) therefore there is no reason to leave the compound unless absolutely necessary. Entertainment, restaurants and retail stores are located at the base of the complex. Services ,business and recreational facilities are also present. However this form of living caters for the very wealthy creating a bigger issue of marginalization within the city.

In my opinion I see no need for such drastic disparities in development within cities. I truly believe government officials and planners were simply lazy and instead of coming up with a plan for older parts of the city they just disregarded it, and discriminate against the people living there because they are poor and focus on creating new areas to attract the more affluent in society. 

Any city however small is in fact divided into two,one the city of the poor, the other of the rich.These are at constant war with one another- Plato

Sunday 14 April 2013

Urban Sprawl


We still object to the whole concept of waving the urban sprawl rule. We believe it serves a purpose.~ Janet Bowman

This picture illustrates the phenomena urban sprawl. It is a common trend with all growing cities  because as the city expands and the land space is constant urbanization spreads to nearby residential areas. This is seen well in Port-of-Spain as Woodbrook a once residential and slight commercial area is heavily populated with business and companies that simply can not fit in the heart of the city. Additionally Woodbrook has become the entertainment capital of Port-of-Spain as it houses all the popular night clubs and social bars that is located on the avenue. It is also home to many restaurants both local and of foreign nature showing how globalization has infiltrated the area. However Woodbrook entertainment attracts the more affluent in society in contrast to St James a next area suffering from urban sprawl whose entertainment is more bars and pubs and targeted for lower to middle class people.Additionally the restaurants there are mostly local.

Maraval and St Anns are also suffering from urban sprawl the side of Maraval that is closer to Port-of-Spain is becoming flooded with business where as upper parts are mostly residential or mixed residential and commercial. Similarly with St Anns, however  it is mainly residential. With this expansion of the city into ongoing residential areas it increases pollution from construction, increases population congestion , raises prices for land and housing and lastly increases traffic congestion in and out of the city. 

In my opinion I see nothing wrong with urban sprawl it just leads to the further development of residential areas however I believe it should be controlled with the use of laws. For example traffic laws to reduce the level of traffic congestion by enforcing car pooling or walking or bicycle riding or strictly walking zones. Additionally building codes and the amount of businesses should be controlled as well the night time entertainment noise pollution laws should be enforced and upheld. 

Sub-urbanization and sprawl are local issues. Urban development does not threaten the nation's food supply. Cost-of-development studies exaggerate the effects of sub-urbanization on local-government costs. Declining cities suffer from many 'push' factors. Air quality deteriorates as residential densities increase. Open space is increasingly protected through the private sector."-Sam Staley

Saturday 13 April 2013



“The living sinners on deadly ground.” ― Toba Beta

It is absolutely heart breaking and frustrating to witness this constant disregard for the environment in Port-of-Spain. Polluters range from children to the elderly and it makes me wonder what has the environment done to them that was so bad that they have to treat it this way. Its saddening because we live in a society where the environment is of least importance and we fail to recognize that the environment can live without us however we can not live without it. These pictures were taken on different streets in Port-of-Spain and as citizen I can not understand how it is the same city that we created we are destroying. 
Land pollution is a serious threat as toxic and greenhouse gases are emitted from it. Additionally odorous gases are also emitted and the city smells stink. Everyone knows this, Port-of-Spain is known to smell nasty and we create that scent yet still every time we enter the city we complain. Something is horribly wrong there. As Port-of-Spain is the capital city of Trinidad and undergoing intense urbanization it is expected that this would occur as with urbanization, by concentrating so many people in a concrete jungle where little aesthetic value is portrayed then solid waste would also be concentrated.

Although formerly the presence of bins in Port-of-Spain was scarce so people saw it fit to drop their litter any and everywhere it is still our city and we must treat it like that so we should have taken the incentive to clean the city ourselves if the government would not provide trash bins for us.However currently there are bins located all over Port-of-Spain some specifically for plastic and paper and other general bins and we still feel the need to litter. Our garage pick up system is also at fault here as it is not always running efficiently leaving a build up of waste for days. 

This build up of waste as well as when people throw their trash on the ground most of it ends up in our drains. Port-of-Spain being a flood plain and most of it being reclaimed land a clogged drain is a serious problem when it comes to heavy rainfall . As we have seen previously the city floods quickly with any long duration of heavy rainfall and the litter in the drains speeds up the flooding process.

Measures have been put in place to deal with this culture of littering that exists in Trinidad. Firstly the implementation of litter wardens whose job is to uphold the litter act and enforce the law. They can be identified on patrol by their environmentally friendly colours- an olive green pants/skirt, light green tops,green caps and black shoes. If found littering a fine of $500 must be within a 21 day period or the offenders are summoned to court where they are ordered to pay a fine of $1000. For corporate offenders the fine is $2000.

As of 2006 11 litter wardens were on patrol in Port-of-Spain and throughout the day they dealt with pedestrians,  vendors and business people, warned them to be careful of where and how they dump rubbish.  The wardens were regularly on the beat, many of the street vendors that  operated on George, Prince, Charlotte and Park Streets cleaned up their acts and started placing their garbage in boxes and bags instead of carelessly tossing them out on the streets.

It is our responsibility to keep our city clean no one else own because it belongs to each and everyone of us. This culture we as Trini's have for littering needs to end promptly because our environment is our home and we all want to live in a clean home. I do not think litter wardens still exists today however we should all act as  litter wardens for one another and our consciences should act as little wardens for ourselves and keep our city clean.

Extra Reading

Monday 8 April 2013



As legal slavery passed, we entered into a permanent period of unemployment and underemployment from which we have yet to emerge-Julian Bond

This picture was taken on Independence Square right in front Royal Castle. It is a disturbing trend in Port-of-Spain as more and more buildings are posting job wanted signs. Why is this happening ? This is the question we must ask ourselves.There are still many citizens living in poverty in Trinidad and can not get the education they deserve although it is free. This is where culture comes into play, many of the females living in poverty believe that a husband and child is the answer however it simply creates a cycle of poverty instead of a way out and they completely disregard education.Additionally Trinis are lazy and they do not want to work hard for no "small pay" so they sit at home and be unemployed. Apart from the laziness many lower income persons are discriminated against when applying for a job if they are from Sealots for example as apposed to Maraval further driving the unemployment rate.
Furthermore university students are graduating and there are no new jobs being created to facilitate this so they are either over qualified for a cashier job at royal castle for example or under qualified as they do not have the experience and hence obtain a jobless title. A serious analysis needs to be conducted to address this problem so that a plausible solution could be put forward. 
